Monday, March 9, 2020

Sylviss Story Essays

Sylviss Story Essays Sylviss Story Essay Sylviss Story Essay Sylvia avoids the issue by trying to get the others to Jump out of the cab and run off and do other things with the money. When they dont take her bait and ultimately end up at their destination, Sugar has to tell her how much to tip the driver (387). Occupying her mind with things she would rather be doing is a coping mechanism that Sylvia used in order to escape uncomfortable situations. She is resistant to Miss Moores education and her taking the time to educate them because it forces her to acknowledge the world of wealth hat exists outside of her impoverished world. In The Lesson once they arrived at the toy store, Miss Moore suggests that they look in the windows Before entering the store. In the window they see a microscope for three hundred dollars and a paper weight for four hundred eighty dollars. But for four hundred eighty dollars it didnt make sense(387). When Fly boy Points Out a Handcrafted sailboat of fiberglass at one thousand one hundred ninety dollars Chris is Just un plausible to Sylvia. Her first reaction is confusion followed by anger (388). As Sylvia begins to compare these xpensive toys to what she has she gets very angry. Shes Critical of the rationale for paying so much for a toy. Sylvia begins to clearly understand how alienated she is from the wealthy class of people she sees in the toy store when she compares her poverty to their free and easy spending. She images herself asking her mom for one of the Toys on F. A. O. Schwarz and the discrepancy is crystal clear to her. Her mom would not even take her if she asked for a thirty five dollar crown. Thirty five dollars could goa long way I ne nousenola It could Pay tne rent, get new Dunk Deas, ana ay the piano bill(390). In The Lesson, as Sylvia begins to see the material wealth that the toys represent she begins to use her anger as a cover up for her feelings of envy. First, shes in denial about the truth of Miss Moore saying we all poor and live in the slums, which I dont feature(386). As her anger and resentment of this lavish lifestyle compared to her grows, she begins to take her anger out on the others at random in an effort to protect herself from her new understanding and awareness. Then Sugar ran a finger over the whole boat, and I am Jealous and want o punch somebody in the mouth (390). She us struggling with admitting to herself that she is Jealous of the kind of people who can afford to buy these expensive toys. This is very traumatic for Sylvia to feel the helplessness of being born into poverty. In The Lesson , Sylvia displays feelings of resentment toward Miss Moore But deep down she has to respect and admire her, although she would never openly admit it. Bambara gives a clear picture in The Lesson of how an education can create an environment of learning that will not only help young people discover but also ucceed in overcoming obstacles that they are face with in their immediate surroundings. In Poverty Stricken neighborhoods such as the one in The Lesson, it is difficult for children to get an education. However it is an essential component if they are going to move beyond poverty. Bambara also brings to light another truth in The Lesson, parents who live in these poverty stricken areas are often times not the best role models for the children. Sometimes They are even rude to the Miss Moore in their community although she may be trying to help their children go further in life.

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