Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Spanish Society of Neurology

Question: Describe about the Spanish Society of Neurology? Answer: Concept of normal and abnormal behaviour Normal behaviour: normal person feel correctly or he can show the correct emotions when needed. He will react like the other normal people. He will feel sorrow when he feel sad, he will happy when he feel happiness, he will regret when he lose someone. this things will fit the person in the locality. This poersomns are called normal people amd the behaviour of them is called normal behaviour. This is a mental situation, where the person is perfectly alright or he is average. The fundamental thing is, those who fit for the society are the normal persons. Abnormality of person makes him different from the others. In other words, the people who are not behaving like the normal persons are the abnormal. If there is any kind of difficulty is noticed the society says that the person is abnormal. Every human being is facing some difficulties regarding their mental health. But if the mental health is fixing under the average health, the person is fit (Coon and Mitterer, 2014). There are few steps or identifications notes. With the help of this, one can detect that the person is mentally sound or not. As an example, if the IQ test is done, a significant outcome can be obtained. The outcome will help to identify whether the person is normal or the abnormal. If the IQ level is high that means he is mentally sound and if the result is poor or negative then the person is not normal, he is an abnormal one(Coon and Mitterer, 2014). There is another way to identify them. In some situations, the abnormal persons are physically different. From the discussion the definition of abnormal behaviour can be derived. The definition is, Abnormal behaviouris such a behaviour which creates a distance from the expected and normal ones. The study of abnormal behaviour is known asabnormal psychology. Usefulness of different models of abnormal behaviour In the world of psychological treatment, there are so many models that helps in identifying the abnormal people in the society. One can recognise them by following these models. Medical model The medical model says that the abnormal people are those people who are facing difficulties in thinking, pre captioning and in psychomotor activities. That means if a person cannot think like the other ones he is an abnormal. According to this model the abnormal psychology is like the other disease and it can be cure by the drugs and proper treatment. Psycho-Dynamic model In this case the patients are lies between conscious and unconscious mind. This is too harmful. Every culture has its own rituals, norms, believes, taboos and all. The people who are living in the society have to follow these things. This is mandatory. If any individual is not following these or he is denying following these things he will be recognised as an abnormal (Garcia, 2009) According to this model the abnormal psychology is something which affects the patients in the unconscious mind. They cannot differentiate between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. Behavioural model If the person doesnt behave like the normal; people then the person will be considered as an abnormal person (Toates, 2002).in this case all of them faced a change in their thinking and behaviour. According to the Behavioural model the patients is not behave like the others. There are some difficulties in the behaviour and the behaviour is not acceptable in the society. Cognitive model If this symptom is noticed then the patients like Mary faces some changes some difference in their thinking. This totally changes the behaviour of the patient as faced by Mary. Not only the behaviour, the thinking also changed. According to the model the abnormal people cannot reason the matters in front of them. They are not the rational persons. They cannot think properly. These models help a lot in the treatment of the effective people. This models show the process of the treatment. The psychologists diagnose the patients and after that they divide them into those separate models to make sure that they are able to give the perfect treatment to the patients. This will definitely help them in the treatment process. These models show the different ways of treatment. According to the mental condition the doctors separate them into those parts and they give the treatment. Difficulties involved in diagnosing mental illness and discuss their usefulness. Bi-polar disorder: In this treatment the proper diagnosis is needed. Here in this case, by applying the DSM criteria the diagnosis can be done. The main problem is the swing in mood. Many of them cannot focus on this. Proper monitoring and the checklist is needed. But in most of the cases the checklist cannot be prepare properly. This is the main problem in the treatment. In the first and the last case the Bipolar disorder is found. Schizophrenia: the main challenge in detecting the problem is lack of information. In this case the patients are suddenly affected by something or by some incidents. So, it is very difficult to know about the root of the problem. In the disease people are up to kill them. So, it is very difficult to the doctors to give them proper treatment. in the second case the Schizophrenia is noticed. Anorexia: To detect the problem there is a specified criteria, which is DSM-IV, but this not enough to detect the problem. In this case the food habit of the patients is decreased; they dont take food like before. To diagnose them, the doctors have to know the actual reason, if they dont know the actual reason, they cannot make the diagnosis properly. In the third case the Anorexia is noticed (ABN joint annual meeting 2009 with the Spanish Society of Neurology, 2009). Differences and similarities between two cases The main dissimilarity in the first and the third case study is, in the first case the 22 year old girl was very silent at first. She used to stay inside her all the time. All of a sudden she became very lively and she was enjoying the life at the top gear. This change looks so good but it is not good at all. In the third case, Joe was very lively at the first. He wanted to be a sportsman. He was very muscular and the physical structure was very good. After that, just before his 12th birthday his physical health started to deteriorate and his mental conditions too.After that he was taken to the doctor and the doctor said that he is suffering from mental health. The main difference is that in the first case the patient became livelier and in the second case the patient started to shrink. It is clear that the mental conditions are changed in different ways. Both of them faced a change in their nature but the changes are standing in two different poles. Another difference is Joe faced a change in his physical structure and Mary faced the change in her nature. The similarity is both have faced a change in the attitude. Their behaviours have also changed. The physical structure has changed in both cases. Major psychological disorders found in the case studies Bipolar Disorder This is a manic depressive illness. It is a case in which the patients are facing a mental disorder. The effect of this disorder is noticed in the behaviour of the patient, here in case of Mary. There changes like sudden shift in the mood, energy and in the activity level also. Here Mary faced all this things. She was a well mannered and well behaved girl at the very beginning. After that she started to join the whole night parties. The parents and her fellows noticed a sudden swing in her mood and in her attitude. The doctors make the diagnosis and found that she is suffering from Bipolar Disorder(Ameri, 2014). Anorexia In the second case Joe faced some difficulties in his health. He was very worried about this. After a certain period he became mental and the doctors detected that he is suffering from anorexia. In this case the patients are very worried regarding their physical structure and the body wait. Joe also faced these things. He was 41kgs at a time, after that suddenly he falls down to 31. He became very worried/ his appetite was also gone. This is the main problem of this disease. Patients like Joe are facing the problem about their appetite and the structure. This is a very dangerous disease (Ashton et al., 2014). Treatment The models are discussed earlier. Mainly four types of model are there and all of them have their different types of treatment. The different types of models can be described in different ways. The treatment of the models is discussed below. The medical model This is a common model and most of the patients in this category. The treatment of the model is simple. In this model the patients can be cured. Proper diagnosis is needed and after that the patients have to take the proper medicine which is prescribed by the doctor. If needed a surgery is needed. Psycho-Dynamic model In this model the psycho therapy is needed for treatment. It is a common term in the mental treatment. It is provided by the psychologist, psychiatrist or other mental service providers. In this process the patients came to know about their mood, behaviour, feeling and other behaviours. This therapy is also known as the talk therapy. Very little medicine is needed in this process. Behavioural model The term says that what kind of treatment it is. This is an action based therapy. In this theory the past is very important. The doctors have to know that from where the occurred behaviour started. The doctors have to go to the root of the disease. Only then they can solve the problem. Cognitive model This model is totally different from the other models. This model focused on the present. The anxiety patients are served under this model. It focuses on the daily activities. It aims at the practical activities (Walter, 2012). In the second case study, Derek faced some abnormal activity in his behaviour. To make him cure, the cognitive model can be taken for treatment. In this process, his behaviour will be monitored and he can be cured by changing his behaviour. References ABN joint annual meeting 2009 with the Spanish Society of Neurology. (2009). Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery Psychiatry, 80(11), pp.e1-e1. Amaladoss, A., Roberts, N. and Amaladoss, F. (2010). Evidence for Use of Mood Stabilizers and Anticonvulsants in the Treatment of Nonaffective Disorders in Children and Adolescents. 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